Quatre's Tight Shirt
Summary: After Koji makes a comment about a certain lower extremity, Quatre gets embarrassed and shows his innocence. Of course, Duo can't help but take this chance to embarrass his friend. (Warning: R Rated)
Who: Duo Maxwell, and Quatre Raberba Winner
When: Thursday, March 10, NCA 121
Where: Wing Radio

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Wh..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Wha...."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Why... are they... talking..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "About /those/ kind of things. So freely..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Oh my..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell ?

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Oh no no no..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell ?, again.

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "That... that guy, on such an open channel..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Talking about his... you know..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "...?"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "You know..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Hmmm-hmmm!"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell .../?/?

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "His thingy..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Quatre."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Please speak English."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "I got *no* freakin' clue what yer talkin' about."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Not...not even one."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "He's talking about his hmm-hmm! The... the evil snake... the... sock puppet... the..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner freaks out, as if he's going around saying 'eww eww eww'.

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "....Quatre, I swear t'nonexistant God."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "His /penis/?"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner shrieks.

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "How can you say that word so... casually..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Holy sh-"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Because, uh, I have one? An', y'know, th' whole *havin' sex* thing."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Yeah. Well. Some of us..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "I'm pretty sure my girlfriend would kill me if I couldn't say stuff like "penis" or "vagina"."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner mumbles shyly, "I don't need such words..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "You need t'get *laid*."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Why?"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "I am doing quite fine..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "'cause yer wrapped tighter'n one of Juku's really small shirts, that's why!"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Huh? This shirt isn't /that/ tight on me..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, ", I mean yer tenser'n a bra strap three sizes too small." <Radio: A - Trailer Chat> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Juku, when we get back, am I allowed t' go whack one'a my friends in the head with a shovel, then drag him out clubbin' so I can find him a date? 'cause I'm startin' t'think that if I *don't* do somethin' th' poor guy'll be even worse than *Solis*."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "But... I'm not wearing a bra. Why would I wear a bra?"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Are you saying I have man-boobs!?"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Because I will have you know..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "I take good care of my weight!"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Sweet nonexistant God, /no/."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "I'm sayin' yer stuck-up an' tense as hell!"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "I'm not tense at all!"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Why would you say such a thing?"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "An' that y'need t'find a girl or a guy or *somethin'* - then *say penis*, Quatre! Say *vagina*! Say *tits*!"

<Radio: A - Trailer Chat> Genobee transmits, "Guys like that are why mail order braids are still around."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "I've been told I'm pretty lo~FWUHFWUHFWUHFWUHWUUUUU?"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "...oh man this is actually kinda hilarious."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "D... du... don't make fun of me."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Quatre Raberba Winner, I am yer friend."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "An' I am goin' t'make fun of you fer the *resta* yer life, but right now I am tryin' t'help you before you snap an' explode from repression an' stress."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner pouts, "I'm just stressed because of this stupid commander."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "When I get back from th' inner sphere, (assumin' Juku lets me) we are goin' *clubbin'*, d'ya hear me?"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "If it wasn't for Trowa, I might have cracked by now..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "...ooooooh."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Clubbin'?"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell kinda chuckles. "No, no, nevermind."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "What is... clubbin'?"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Is that like... playing cards?"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Who'm I t'get between you an' Trowa? -oh, man, clubbin' is where you go out an' hit all th' dance clubs an' bars an' stuff, see."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "An' y'pick up chicks."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Between me and Trowa?"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "You don't want to expose yourself between us in a picture?"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "And... I see."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "I think I rather have my own parties."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell declines commenting on the picture.

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "I mean. Who knows what kind of people I'd find at a bar..."

<Radio: A - Trailer Chat> Duo Maxwell roars with laughter at god only knows what.

<Radio: A - Trailer Chat> Xiang Yuan claims, sage-like, "A laughter such as that is a clear sign of good mental and physical health."

<Radio: A - Trailer Chat> Xiang Yuan transmits, "But it leaves me to wonder. Why-for the good-natured outburst?"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "That's th' idea, Katre."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Meetin' strange an' excitin' people an' gettin' inta their pants."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Into... their... OH MY NO!"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "No no no no no!"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Duoooooo!"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Why..."

<Radio: A - Trailer Chat> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Jus', uh...*hee hee* a conversation with a friend who's wrapped up tighter'n a gundamfighter."

<Radio: A - Trailer Chat> Xiang Yuan transmits, "This fellow must be a good friend of yours."

<Radio: A - Trailer Chat> Macua Huitl transmits, "Are you bothering Heero again?"

<Radio: A - Trailer Chat> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Nah, 'sKatre."

<Radio: A - Trailer Chat> R yawns, "What's going on?"

<Radio: A - Trailer Chat> Kazuma Ardygun transmits, "-- oh, hey, Macua, something I've been meaning to ask you ..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "*hee hee* Oh man, Katre...but no seriously if you an' Trowa are happy then I'll support ya."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "I don't get the sudden change of subject?"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Trowa's a good young man, he's always on point - for trouble." <Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Change of subject?"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Whaddya mean?" <Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "First you're talking about... dirty things... and then move on to Trowa and me supporting eachother during these stressful times."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Right."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Yer supportin' each other, lookin' out for each other, makin' each other feel really good an' happy an' keepin' each other from goin' totally off th' deep end."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Feel really good and happy?"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "That's pretty much exactly like what Juku an' I do, 'cept Trowa doesn't have a huge rack."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "We're managing not to feel terrible..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "An', y'know, th' penis thing, he's got that an' she don't."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner LIGHTBULB!

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "Trowa is not... not my... not my boyfriend. No no no."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "What, really?"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Jeez, man, I mean, y'walked right inta A-LAWS t'help him out an' yer spendin' all yer time with him an' stuff."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner stammers, "He's just a really good friend."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "We're... we're stopping OZ!"

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "That's a hell of a friend, man."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "He's very reliable. I am glad he's my friend."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Ah well, that's too bad. You two're real cute t'gether."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell audibly kind of shrugs.

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner can somehow transmit that he's blushing fiercely.

<Radio: D - WING boys> Quatre Raberba Winner transmits, "And... besides. I don't think Trowa... looks at me that... no no no no..."

<Radio: D - WING boys> Duo Maxwell transmits, "Oh well."
